It might be interesting to your children to explore some of the questions Joseph Smith had that led to the Restoration of the Savior’s gospel. Help them find some examples inJoseph Smith—History 1:10, 29, 68. How are we blessed today because God answered Joseph Smith’s questions? New ...
So, whether you’re a teacher leaving the profession or just exploring the possibilities out there, let me be the first to tell you that your options, freedom, and income are limitless.Download the 10 stepsthat will show you how to get started taking your life into your own hands and bui...
but “saint” is often replaced with a phrase like “holy one of the Lord.” This would seem to be in line with the aura of a saint. They are holy or set apart for God’s purposes. Set apart from the unbelievers,
The Lord God says through the prophet Isaiah that He will come to get His people (Isaiah 40:10-11) and the reason is the Lord is not defeated by Israel’s sin. God’s desire is for restoration and we note how this restoration is possible because God’s Word stands forever, God’...