网络释义 1. 要因材施教 蒙田 热爱生命_风花竹石... ... 4、要因材施教(Teaching students according to their aptitude) 6、多练习( Practise more) ...|基于6个网页 2. 因材施教 急!... ...因材施教Teaching students according to their aptitude个体差异 Individual differences ...
Therefore,we must accomplish teaching students according to their aptitude,and achieve unifying of student s general character and individuality. 因此,必须做到因材施教,达到学生共性与个性的统一。 2. The theory of teaching on different levels and different intelligences derives from the thought of teac...
Teach students according to their aptitude.Every student and every people has its special characteristics and strong points.Follow his own custom.Can be find solutions to the problem.传统的教育方法是要求学生记住老师在课堂上所讲的内容。在新的教育改革浪潮中,我们在探索寻找一条适合我国青少年...
1.Therefore,we must accomplish teaching students according to their aptitude,and achieve unifying of student s general character and individuality.因此,必须做到因材施教,达到学生共性与个性的统一。 2.The theory of teaching on different levels and different intelligences derives from the thought of teachi...
1.Teaching Students in Accordance With their Aptitude and Educating Students in Accordance with Their Teachers;“因材施教”与“因教施材”──对“因材施教”原则的反思 2.Implementing Individuality in Chinese Teaching According to Multiple Intelligent Theory;根据多元智能理论,实施语文因材施教 3.Teachers...
teaching students according to their aptitudedivergent thinkinginnovation practiceAfter the analysis of the current C language teaching existence, this paper proposes using a knowledge integration teaching method in the teaching process of C language. In this method, the professional knowledge and the ...
andis thepreciouswealthofeducationthoughtleftbyConfucius.The newcurriculumalsoputsforwardthatthebasicpurposeof educationistodevelopeverystudent.Thiscoincideswith Confucius'sideaofteachingstudentsaccordingtotheir aptitude.Itisunderthesamecultivationgoal,theeducation fortheoriginalfoundation,ability,interest,personality and...
1.The Application of "Teaching Students according to Their Aptitude" in Wushu Lessons;关于武术教学中因材施教方法的运用 2.Teacher s Expression of Feeling and Teaching Methods in the Teaching of Physical Culture;体育教学中教师情感的表现与施教方法 3.The Teaching Method and Measurement of Implementing...
Under the new requirements of the new curriculum reform, the center of the original teachers teaching mode has been replaced with the students as the center of teaching mode, "teach the students in accordance of their aptitude" teaching mode has received the widespread attention. This article emba...
"Teaching students according to their aptitude is hard to achieve. The school system and cultivating mode should both be change, providing flexible educational system and diversified courses, adopting hierarchical teaching, rather than unified model." ...