Download apps by Teaching Strategies, LLC, including ParentPal: Baby Development, Teaching Strategies Teacher, Coaching to Fidelity and many more.
“Teaching Strategies” means the Teaching Strategies entity which is a party to this GDPR Addendum, as specified in the section “HOW THIS GDPR ADDENDUM APPLIES” above, being Teaching Strategies, LLC, a limited liability company incorporated in Delaware. “Sub-processor” means any Processor engag...
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However, unfortunately, our strategies have gone only partially used— Instead, many of us have struggled to understand how leadership is managing the digital efforts, and to gain active support for something as basic as commitment to a comprehensive accessibility approach, despite having the funds a...
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reThink ELA provides strategies and resources for teaching students secondary English language arts students.
and to learn more about the teaching methods that would make them more employable in a wider range of industries. During four cohorts, the program featured an in-person autumn course for future professors to (1) learn about active learning strategies and the supporting literature (Bielik et al...
an institution. Janes defines personal agency as “the capacity of individual museum workers (not only leaders and managers) to take action in the world.” He outlines some clear, doable strategies for museum leaders and workers at all levels, and I wanted to simply share several of them ...
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