(2021) found a median drop of − 0.10 standard deviations for mathematics and − 0.09 for reading before and after remote instruction was implemented in the Spring of 2020. The emergency remote instruction students received during the school closures of 2020 differed across and within ...
A sub-classification of the practices lists the suggested scope of the practice, detailing how frequently the practices are used in a standard three-credit course with three one-hour class periods per week (roughly 45 total classes in a semester). Some sub-categories are listed as well, such...
Teachers' implementation of the standard-based English language curriculum in year 1 basic literacy instruction in selected schools in Pahang, Malaysia expert and proficient participants expressed their concerns for pupils鈥learning, the competent and advanced beginner participants were more likely to have ...
it will be helpful to make Ss learn the rest of this unit. And as we all know , reading belongs to the input during the process of language learning. The input has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. Then according to the new standard curriculum and syllabus(新课程标准...
Third, it may be argued that the study setup was rather artificial in the sense that the group discussion was set up in a way that few teachers would do in a standard session. This design was chosen in order to increase the internal validity of the study by reducing the potential confound...
Descriptive statistics, including the number (n), percentage (%), mean (M) and standard deviation (SD), were used to analyse participants’ sociodemographic characteristics, academic performance and perceived workload. Normality and equal variance for all the variables were checked by performing the ...
title: Teaching Kids Perl link: https://onemoretech.wordpress.com/2008/02/01/teaching-kids-perl/ author: lembobro description: post_id: 562 created: 2008/02/01 21:02:54 created_gmt: 2008/02/01 21:02:54 comment_status: open post_name: teaching-kids-perl status: publish post_type: ...
These will be used as standard icons to personalize the link to your video data. You can choose any frame from your video or animation or make a separate image. Provide text (for both the electronic and the print version) to be placed in the portions of your article that refer to the ...
Descriptive statistics were used to report scale means and standard deviation for each study measure in the pre- and post-test. To examine H1, H2a, H2b, H3a and H3b we computed multiple linear regressions with teaching enthusiasm or teacher self-efficacy in the post-test as dependent variables...
360-degree panoramic VR technology has unique educational advantages, but the SCORM standard does not support such technology. Using external links to VR content outside of the courseware can cause students to be distracted. Therefore, some researchers have attempted to develop technologies to ...