The current need to be physically distant highlights the importance of staying connected virtually, and teachers are finding innovative ways to continue meeting the social, emotional, and academic needs of students while linked only through screens. And we’re seeing ...
While we have a long way to go before the Wisco Affiliate is on the level with a longstanding affiliate like Carolinas, the July meeting was an imperative first step toward some authentic statewide collaboration, and I’m so glad we did it. In hindsight, I’m proud of the foundation ...
At Hiawatha Elementary School in Othello, Washington, grade-level teachers meet weekly to discuss important themes. The discussion the first week of the month centers on reading; the second week's discussion centers on math; week 3's meeting focuses on writing; and the fourth meeting of the m...
(of course, that’s also possible with digital notes). Processing usually involves paraphrases &/or summaries – which is what my meeting notes generally look like – but can also involve tools such asconcept mapping, and there’s a lot of research showing that students involved in this ...
teaching in China is meaningful for your career and even entire life, not only for financial reasons. International experience, personal experience, and global experience are all valuable. Many people have advanced their careers by learning Chinese, meeting contacts worldwide, and serving as an essen...
niversityteachingstaff. Keywordsinnovation;teachingstaff;constructionideasand mechanism 国际间竞争的实质是国力竞争,国力竞争归根于教育 的竞争。中国的未来之路在于科技创新,科技创新取决于创 新人才的培养,广泛地推行素质教育,培养具有创新精神和 实践能力的新式人才,关键是要有一支创新型师资队伍。深 化高等教育改革涉及...
Even the act of carving out a feasible meeting time to discuss information literacy can be a Herculean task. Nevertheless, as challenging as this work may be, my own experience has taught me that it can be exceedingly rewarding as well. Unsurprisingly, not every member of my own teaching ...
University Teaching is an introductory course in teaching and learning in tertiary education, designed by staff at the Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Hong Kong. With input from instructors, guests and interviewee
Last Friday was the final meeting of this class. The outside students from Claremont were not present as it was finals week. The inside students wanted to do a bit of math and just chit chat. We spent about an hour thinking about Fermat’s theorem on the sum of two squares (the only...
Shaped Staff November 1, 2024 3 Min Read Welcome to theShapedhub forfree teaching resources, including fun classroom activities, lessons, downloadables, and videos for K–12 students. Explore our lesson plan ideas across disciplines to help maximize learning and encourage student growth at grade ...