Understanding kindergarten teachers’ perspectives of teaching basic geometric shapes: a phenomenographic research (2010). Understanding kindergarten teachers' perspectives of teaching basic geometric shapes: a phenomenographic research. ZDM 42, 457-468. doi: 10.1007/s1... IO Dogan-Temur - ZDM 被引量:...
D. Using a plot chart to track the events in a story 2 A kindergarten teacher plans a lesson designed to give students guided practice in learning a phonological awareness skill. Having students participate in which of the following activities best meets the teacher's goal?A.Asking students to...
Kindergarten 1st Grade 2nd Grade 3rd Grade 4th Grade 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade 8th Grade 9th Grade 10th Grade 11th Grade 12th Grade Classroom Management Teacher Student Back to School End of Year Family & Home Birthday Free Safety Materials Games Orga...
When it comes to teaching 3Dshapesit’s important to use hands-on materials, activities and songs to help your students retain this tricky concept. Here are some of my favorite ideas for teaching 3D shapes to young children in pre-k or kindergarten. I also wrote some very simple 3D shape ...
Kids will be excited to bring this home to share with parents. Kindergarten to 5th Grade Smart Choices Note Hand a student this pre-made note card when they make good choices in the classroom! Kindergarten to 5th Grade Positive Attitude Note This note is perfect to give to students when...
KindergartenTeacher perspectivesGeometric shapesPhenomenographyGeometry is one of the disciplines children involve within early years of their lives. However, there is not much information about geometry education in Turkish kindergarten classes. The current study aims to examine teachers' perspectives on ...
Best tip I was given was never waste paint or paper. So if you have left over paint in palettes or lids tops etc paint onto scrap paper and let dry. Keep this collection and when you want some free activity children use the variety of spare painted paper to cut up into shapes and pl...
USA Artwork (painting), photos, narratives, shapes and collage An interdisciplinary lesson on geometry, based on an “Artful Learning” model and related to multiple intelligence theory Arts integration, arts-based pedagogy Qualitative action research study; student teachers' lesson plans, reflective pro...
counting and ordering numbers up to 20 developing an understanding of place value addition and subtraction within 10 2d and 3d shapes time concepts (days of the week and telling time to the hour) year 1 building on the foundation set in the earliest years of school, year 1 maths worksheets...
(Just look for the Download the Activity icon to the right of the lesson title. Lessons LessonGradesSubjects Three Little Kittens: Addition BookletPreschool - 1st GradesLanguage Arts,Mathematics,Operations (+, -, x, /, etc.) Ellis IslandKindergarten - 3rd GradesLanguage Arts,Social Studies,Readin...