Celebration of Dance seeks to release young and old through worship dance teaching, praise dance videos, a blog and podcast. Movement and worship dance bring healing, restoration, and freedom to others. Liturgical dance can bring others into a deeper int
BAM! WORSHIP TEACHING BOMBSTABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction20 Worship Teaching Bombs You Can UseHow To Create Your Own Worship Teaching Bombs A Final Word From The AuthorDan Wilt
Kim Snow's website, PraiseNotes, teaches kids music by teaching hymns. Over 80 hymn arrangements are available as PDFs, or in the book series "Favorite Hymns for Kids" and "Just Hymns." "Hymns for Kids" teaches students how to read a hymn. "Tracing Throu
Plan things on purpose. And remember that a shorter service can be just as engaging. Help Them Process Sometimes, students can have a hard time understanding what they feel or think during a worship service. Help them walk through it by making observations and asking questions like, “I see...
A counter-politics that findsand forms itself in the aural rather than the visual (Intimacy Out of the Void), one that ismostpresent(andmostpotent)inthe“awkwardmoments”oflags,lapses,glitches,bandwidthfailures,andfrozenframes(InPraiseofAwkwardness).Theemphasisliesthroughoutonwithstandingnaturalizationand...
[26]“Pray for the dead and the dead will pray for you,” as the old chestnut goes. Good Roman Catholicsveneratethe saints; they do notworshipthem. Whatever the Calvinists may say on the matter. [27]The antique names no longer represent the resident population of these areas. ...
Remember, the success of this tactic rests largely on messing the play up as many times as possible. Once you’ve selected all the kids for your story, explain to them where you want them to stand and tell them just to “follow your lead.” Your role is to serve as the narrator, ...
Aims of the lesson are primarily introducing concepts related to the place of worship. Along with learning the subject matter, the aims of this teaching unit is also developing the culture of appropriate behaviour when visiting a place of worship, whether it be a m...
Most importantly, in the study and practice of Bach's art, my main impulse was to praise and give thanks, ascribing the glory of what I was experiencing to God. (And perhaps that is what Bach himself intended when he penned S.D.G. (Soli Deo Gloria, "Glory to God Alone") after ...