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Since 1978, the institute has been working with top-notch teachers and collecting their lesson materials for others to use. This site has thousands of complete units on pretty much any topic, all completely free to access and use. Sample lessons:The Wonder BehindThe Wizard of Oz,The Counting...
Instructional materials also include assessment and testing methods. Basically, any material, any information containing resources, that the teacher uses while instructing. Now testing materials don’t necessarily contain information, but they help the retention and learning of information; thus, they are...
Exclusive teaching materials for professors, teachers, and lecturers Get exclusive access to teaching materials in the members-only platform.To help you teach blue ocean strategy more effectively, we developed teaching modules, lecture slides, and first-hand videos that you can now access free of ch...
An examination of how teachers use curriculum materials for the teaching of proof in high school geometry This case study examined how three high school geometry teachers used their geometry textbooks (and ) to teach proof. More specifically, this study examine... R Sears - Dissertations & Theses...
(2003). Creating authentic materials and activities for the adult literacy classroom: A handbook for practitioners. Boston, MA: NCSALL. Google Scholar Maley, A. (2009). Creative writing for language learners (and teachers). Retrieved from Google ...
Teaching Materials and Resources for New TeachersChris Westergaard
In your teaching career you will use quite a wide range of audio visual and printed teaching materials. How these materials can be economically and effectively produced and how you might use them is the focus of this chapter.This is a preview of subscription content, log in via an institution...
Development of digital mathematics teaching materials in elementary schools using whiteboard animation for primary teacher education students STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau The problems that arise in the world of education today include the low competence of teachers and lecturers in the era of education 4.0, ...