So to start with an introduction of the rosary with kids, I have a special classroom set of rosaries that I use. I actually did string this set of rosaries myself, and you can see my directions onhow to make a rosary here, but you can also easily find and order a set that would...
Teaching Catholic Kids, from Our Sunday Visitor, is a valuable online tool for parents, teachers and catechists. Free downloadable activities and teacher resources are updated each month and made available from the best of Our Sunday Visitor books, workb
I brought up the example of Catholic schools, and there’s some parents who want to fight to make sure their administration cares more about God, but there’s some administrations that’s very holy and would say, “Yeah, but Chris, 99% of the parents dropping their kids off could care ...
When we would go through this process as the kids were growing up, with each transition they would become excited all over again. One is tempted to say, “as if they’d never experienced [fall, or Christmas, or spring, or Easter, or the Fourth of July] before,” except that it is ...
[Nana]: Oh, gosh. When my kids got anything wrong with them, it had to be the worst. I always had them all laid out and everything, I’m telling you. Judy had the polio- [Pat]: I’ll never forget the time I went to camp and my mother had to come up and get me or they...
After 44 minutes of waiting for help, Mercedes and her students were finally evacuated from their classroom. Police officers smashed the windows of the room and pulled the kids out one by one. Mercedes was the last person to exit. She sustained injuries to her knees as well as numerous...
Sometimes my sister Joanne or my friend Linda accompany me to these appointments. Through different paths, they have both become cancer whiz kids and at these appointments, they pick up on details I would miss. Not to mention the balm of good company they offer and the way they treat me ...
coffee, a pastry and then even a tinto de verano. I sat at that cafe for at least 3 hours. I watched people smoke cigarettes, feed little scraps of food to their dogs. I watched little kids kick a soccer ball back and forth. I just sat and journaled and enjoyed EVERY MOMENT OF IT...
I have not particularly fit in with the beautiful Catholic families with two parents and five or six wonderful children and grandkids. At this stage, I will most likely never be an integral part of either group, at least not in this life, and that realization breeds fresh wounds as well ...
He had a good day with the kids, and made them laugh on several occasions. But it got me to thinking. This is the last generation of kids to ever hear firsthand the stories of the most cataclysmic events in the history of the world, World War II and the Holocaust. The students came...