This series is best suited for students from 1st through 8th grade. Sign up online now to get immediate access so your students can get started with quality art instruction today. Hey families at home, add art class and teach your kids to draw for only$5 a month!
Children learn to draw the same way they learn to speak (and later write) - by copying. The symbols we use for ideas, whether they are sounds, written or pictorial signs, are generally learned ones. The world around us - family, our environment, the media - all provide input. Drawing ...
This post is the first of a new series of drawing activities for (slightly older) kids.Don’t worry, we’ll still do the simple How To Draw projects. My little Chuckers (7 years old) has expressed an interest in drawing things more realistically. He’s also getting to that stage where...
Explore directed drawing videos, how-to-draw tutorials for kids, drawing activities and more teaching resources created by teachers for elementary and middle school teachers. This extensive collection of educational resources will help your students develop their drawing skills and discover their "inner ...
I include many how-to-draw sheets in my PDF art lesson plan booklets. These are mostly for the teachers (not necessarily for the kids). I think it’s critical that you show your artistic side, no matter what you think of it, and inspireyourstudents. You can do it!
Teaching kids manners is extremely important. When a child is well mannered, he or she knows how to behave and interact with others properly. They can make friends easier, be more successful in school and work, have better relationships with adults, and feel happier and more confident overall...
25. Teach kids how to make friends Some of your students will make friends naturally, while some will need your help. How to be a friend is one of the most important lessons they can leave their first year of school with. Here’s anactivity you can do to help them. ...
Explore directed drawing videos, how-to-draw tutorials for kids, drawing activities and more teaching resources created by teachers for...
An allowance (零用钱)is an important tool forteachingkids how to budget, save and make their own decisions.Children remember and leam from mistakes when their own dollars are lost or spent foolishly. How large an allowance is proper Experts say there is not right amount.Actual amounts differ...
Free printable brain break alert! Teach kids how to make a paper football with these step-by-step instructions. Free Plan Drawing Conclusions and Making Inferences – Comprehension Task Cards Use this set of comprehension task cards with your students to help them draw conclusions and make inferenc...