And just what non-Tigre things have these artsy kids been up to? Well, you already heard about Johanna Fateman presiding over Seagull beauty salon in NYC, which is apparently still going strong. JD Samson, meanwhile, has New England Roses and a new "DJ/production/remix team" with Fatemen...
(Like so many lessons I teach my kids, they always start with me.) Teach About Respect Begin providing lessons to your students that talk about the need for respecting others. Besides the example of David and Saul, offer regular lessons from Proverbs, which extensively teaches from a parent ...
you just have to keep having conversations. It’s about immersion. This session is giving some ideas for topics and vocabulary, a little about sentence structure. But you have to go talk to other people; talk to everyone. Talk to kids whose vocabulary is small and whose topics are crazy;...