Planting trees is not only a great way to help the environment, but it also teaches kids lessons in responsibility and patience as they have to wait until the tree grows before they can see any results. Kids will learn about conservation through this activity, as well as how to properly ca...
It helps kids develop their understanding of the broader world and how different creatures play a role in our ecosystem. Butterflies, for example, are important pollinators that help bees, bats, and other creatures to pollinate over 75% of the world's flowering plants. Learning About the Bu...
Pollination is one of the most important parts of raising alfalfa seed. Without pollination, there would be no seed to harvest. As soon as there are blooms on the alfalfa plants, it is time to put our pollinators to work. We use leafcutter bees for... ...
Learn more:Pipe Cleaner Pollinatorsat Around the Kampfire 15. Grow an avocado Generation Genius Did you know that an avocado seed has a fault line? Learn this and more in this DIY activity that teaches kids how to grow their own avocado plant. Learn more:Grow an Avocadoat Generation Genius...
wrote this post onWorking for Hope(based on a series of tweets I wrote for the Museum’s account) about our aims, what we had done, and some of the questions we’d had from kids. It became clear to us that, after the restrictions of lockdown, they were eager to reconnect with ...