Teaching Kids Not to Shoot We Can Reduce Gun Violence Even in Tough NeighborhoodsIn 1995, an epidemiologist named Gary Slutkin returned to theUnited States from Africa where he...Nocera, Joe
We have to listen to these kids. It seems like they’re… Read more › March 15, 2018 Ashley Activism, Education Activism, enough is enough, gun violence, High school, national school walkout, national walkout day, protest, teaching, walkout...
Reinforce the Objectives of Math– There is a reason why Math was invented and kids need to know that to be able to relate to it. I tell my students Math was invented for 2 main purposes. Firstly, to save us time. So instead of having to add 7 +7 a total of 8 times, I can j...
One US Senator “heard stories” about people allegedly using the Child Tax Credit “for drugs” without any evidence or data to back it up.He then used that as justification to nuke the entire national program, causing millions of kids to fall into poverty in weeks. Horrifying https://t....
to teach kids about Freemasonry and the founding of the Federal Reserve Bank, as well? Log in to Reply woody571 on 07/01/2022 at 8:18 pm James, I’ve been a listener for several years and a paid subscriber for almost 2 years. I have so much respect for your work. The Big ...
engage students in authentic conversations about difficult issues, ask themselves what they can do about social justice issues, consider ways they have already acted in the past, study how other kids and young adults have successfully solved problems, and participate in their own social justice ...
I mean kids who for all intents and purposes appear to be there in ZOOM and then suddenly disappear never to return that day. They could have a device or Internet issue. And if this happens every once in a while, it’s understandable. But what about kids who do this all the time?
While many of these gestures are subtle, and may go under the radar for many, the gender and sexual minority kids in your school will notice, and it can make a significant difference to them.When GSM students can identify even one supportive adult at school, they experience improved mental ...
Sometimes I think 99% of the trouble with current society is the state of education, and the way we arrange to have people teach kids who have never experienced any real trouble or problem what to be offended at. In historical terms, we live incredibly s
I couldn’t believe it. Parents claim to have only five hours a week of contact and four hours a week of conversation with their kids. Many will justifiably point to the demands of dual working parents and the difficulty of getting their children off their devices. It is not for me to ...