Lesson 19: Moses Delivers the Israelites from Bondage,” Primary 6: Old TestamentPass out numbered slips of paper with the scripture references for each of the ten plagues on the corresponding numbered paper. Have each child look up his or her reference and tell the class about it. You could...
Apply:Jesus knew what was in the heart of Mary and the heart of Judas. He knows what’s in your heart, as well. What should this truth tell us about the need of Christ as our righteousness, transforming us and covering us, as well?
Luckily, my school is very small with only 2 classes per grade level, so I bought a case of baby wipes at Sam’s Club for about $13 and had several boxes donated from an oversupplied K teacher. Now when I do “messy” projects (which isn’t really that often), the kids line up...
Matthew 3:18-23 –“Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The seed falling on rocky gro...
Um… I’m not sure if this even counts because it’s not actuallydoinganything, but one of my very favorite things to do every year is to pull the kids’ nativity set out and let them play with it all season. Yes, Baby Jesus ends up on top of the stable and the three wise men...
Despite the hair loss, chemo, and keeping an Excel spreadsheet of my kids’ schedules and sleepovers with friends and relatives, the lunacy of it all did not escape me. As I rode the rapids toward my bone marrow transplant, I could not get over the sheer comedy that comes from trying ...