or nearly full time, jobs. One criticism I have would be directed at the Social, Philosophical Multicultural Foundations of Secondary Education course, as I felt it covered too broad and too narrow a subject all at once. Overall the experience was positive.” -Student at San Jose State Univer...
CA Clear Teaching CredentialSan Jose State University
Mexico’s vehicle exports in 2014. Credit: Forbes, México. The industry attracts large amounts ofForeign Direct Investment(FDI). Vehicle assembly plants provide around65,000 jobs, with a further 85,000 employed in distributorships nationwide and a whopping 450,000 employed in the autoparts secto...
As museum professionals and workers, we too often ‘clock in’ to our jobs and check our own personal passions, values, and identities at the door. The personal communities of our lives float away as we embrace the existing institutional culture and branded identities of our museums. ...
This almost paradoxical statement directly relates to being an educator and leader. It goes back to the old airline oxygen mask adage (help yourself before helping others): know yourself in order to more deeply connect with others. After all, our jobs are not isolated: we have students, coll...
. In the year 2019,the Blue Economyin Catalonia involved about 25,000 million euros, more than 38,000 companies, and 200,000 jobs [6]. Catalonia has an increasingly mature research, transfer, and innovation ecosystem with research centers, universities, and private companies working in several ...
Background: Exploratory testing has been used in the industry mainly to meet the needs of agile testing processes. In an agile scenario, this testing approach is important to facilitate changes constantly, which helps agile projects successfully. One of the ways to achieve success more easily is ...
According to the study results, elite vocal performers experienced more subjective voice problems related to their jobs than non-professionals, while professional voice users, including teachers and professors, also reported more significant voice problems related to social communication and employment [18]...