Hello. We have a school in Cartagena to teach English. We are looking for native teachers. We have few native teachers now but need more in the new school year in September. Please send out the word we are looking for teachers. We pay good wages and great staff to work with. Here is...
" relatively cheap long-stay hostels for foreigners, listed in guidebooks or the glossy monthly The Tokyo Journal. Popular gaijin houses will be full of new or nearly new arrivals chasing teaching jobs. Because rents in Tokyo are virtually prohibitive, some foreign teachers...
We drove to Chicago to fly out of O’Hare en-route to Tashkent, Uzbekistan. After 20 hours of travel, we arrived in Tashkent, the sprawling capital of Uzbekistan and the largest city in Central Asia. Upon landing, we snagged our 40 GB SIM cards for a whopping $4, grabbed a Yandex (...
Our only way of communicating with the contributors is email: students graduated, teachers changed jobs, and their institutional emails are no longer active. However, I am happy to report that 'Teaching in the Age of Covid-19—1 Year Later' has almost 92% of the original contributors, which...