VISUALIZING AND TEACHING THE GEOLOGY OF THE BOISE AREA USING THE DIGITAL ATLAS OF IDAHO, KHAN, Shuhab, LINK, Paul Karl, BOYACK, Diana, and GLENN, Nancy F., (1) Geosciences, Idaho State Univ, Pocatello, ID 83209,, (2) Geosciences, Univ of Houston, 312 S & R Bldg...
Baker UniversityExternal link:open_in_new Master of Arts in Education 36 2 years Boise State UniversityExternal link:open_in_new Master in Teaching in Special Education N/A 1 year Canisius CollegeExternal link:open_in_new Master of Science in Education in Literacy Education 33-42 2 years Centr...
Some of our people got good photographs of totality, and one person created a montage of images, then turned them into a 3D model and printed it, with the sun’s area only one layer of PLA thick so that the model could be held up to a light and have it shine through. Quite cool!
Topics covered included the following: (1) understand common statistical concepts, such as hypothesis testing, critical values and p values, and confidence interval and their applications in educational research; (2) summarize and describe data according to research questions; (3) input, output, and...