Within the space of only a few days, they had secured multiple interviews for me, in schools that met the specifications that I gave in my initial phone call with the team.In less than two weeks, I had secured myself a new job and a new path for my career.An absolutely outstanding ...
Weekly Newsletter Get new job postings, the latest job search tips, trends, news, and exclusive promotions!Sign Up Today! Find Remote Work From Home & Flexible Jobs New Remote Jobs Hiring Now Remote Jobs Near Me Part-Time Remote Jobs Entry Level Remote Jobs Freelance Remote Jobs Browse Remote...
The owner of the education employment agency started by asking me how long I plan to stay in Thailand. I said, "A long time because I like Thailand." He asked me what I like about Thailand. I said, "What's to not like about Thailand?" administration problems job markets school ...
However, when I told the job agency person that my experience was with a military facility, she clearly changed her mind and didn’t come back to me about the open post she may have had for me. That wouldn’t count for a school job was the meaning. So, after teaching English in ...
Moreover, the study found that the differences in focus corresponded to where aspiring teachers were expected to get a job after the training was complete. The instrumental focused teacher prep programs invariably trained incoming educators for low-income and high-minority schools. The reciprocal appro...
this is a great blog post that also clarified for me why as a grad student I've always experienced teaching as something physically and emotionally draining: I have never been provided the material tools and space to do the job as well as I ethically feel obligated to https://t.co/vww...
“A memorable teaching experience for me was the day I ‘lost control.’ The students were so engaged in discussions, I had no authority. It was awkward. And awesome. In hindsight, I created a safe environment, posed good questions, and gave them agency. I prepared to do nothing.” ...
We flew into San Jose, Costa Rica…not San Jose, California. Three weeks before the trip, I was confirming our rental car with the agency and I received a “can you check your confirmation code again? I see that flight arriving in San Jose, California.” Crap! I booked our departing ...
Your job is to be that better coach. Your charges, may have had good coaches in high school, but you need to get them to the next level. In absolute terms, the difference between a good high school score and a good college score, might be slight (in the 100m dash it might be mo...
If you get so focused on wanting a job offer at the end of the process, you’ll neglect to focus on determining if this is even a job you want and would be good at, which is how people end up in jobs that they’re miserable in or even get fired from.And counterintuitively, you...