Wilmore, E. (2007). Teacher Leadership: Improving Teaching and Learning From Inside the Classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.Wilmore, E. L. (2007). Teacher Leadership: Improving Teaching and Learning from Inside the Classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwing Press....
If there is one age group that can strike fear into the heart of even the most experienced teacher, it must be teenagers. The teenage years are tricky to navigate – even for the teens themselves. Teens can be challenging to deal with both inside and outside the classroom. Of course, ...
Research Design: This 2-year ethnographic study went inside the teacher community, with the researcher teaching alongside the teachers to gain access to their interactions and 展开 关键词: Informal Education Participant Observation Ethnography Teacher Collaboration Educational Change Learning Processes ...
Kuang, H., Yan, Z., Li, B.: Educational Teaching Quality Guarantee System by Combining Inside Ensuring Together With Outside Monitoring. Education of Chinese Medicen 26(1) (2007) Google Scholar Chang, Q.: Establishing the System of Supervision and Control for Teaching Quantity and Increasing ...
Alienation, anxiety, depression and self-limiting feelings of unworthiness are experienced by some undergraduate law students because they question their sexual identity, experience substantive discrimination inside/outside the classroom or perceive that to be LGBTIQ is to be marginal. Wellness among ...
Subtitles, on the other hand are considered to play an important role both inside and outside the classroom (Anderman & Díaz-Cintas, 2009, p. 7). Reading the dialogue in context while listening to the original language stimulates learners to consolidate what they are learning, enriching their...
So when a district administrator, principal, or teacher puts great value on high test scores, what will the district, school, or classroom be like? Don't expect to see lots of critical thinking and project-based learning. Test prep, test prep, test prep. Hm. Probably not the best environ...
Historically language teaching was described in terms of what teachers did in the classroom. In the 1960s and 1970s foreign language research redirected the focus from factors external to the learner to factors inside the mind of the learner. Studies focused on the impact of social, cognitive, ...
‘cold’ teaching. Teachers can exercise control, pressuring students by asking controlling or interrogative questions, or referring to tests or by telling students exactly what to do. Inside the classroom, students can experience a sense of inferiority or failure when teachers frustrate their need ...
2016) and the chapters in this volume to see the vast and rich legacy of relevant research and theory that address various aspects of the immensely complex system of teaching. Our model does not touch many factors, both outside and inside the classroom, that contribute to students’ ...