urban open space in the 21st century:第二十一世纪城市开放空间 热度: ScientificThinkingandScienceEducation1 ThePsychologyofScientificThinking: ImplicationsforScienceTeachingandLearning JunleiLi DavidKlahr CarnegieMellonUniversity Li,J.&Klahr,D.(2006).ThePsychologyofScientificThinking:ImplicationsforScience ...
Teaching Reading in the 21st Century (with Assessments and Lesson Plans Booklet) (4th Edition) 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Expanding the book's critical literacy theme, this edition emphasizes a full, balanced range of knowledge and skills for teaching reading to all learners. Informed ...
Teaching in the 21st Centurydoi:10.2190/ET.38.2.cHarry PenceSAGE PublicationsPence, H.E. (2009). Teaching in the 21st century. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 38(2), 103-110. DOI: 10.2190/ET.38.2.cPence, H. E. (2009). Teaching in the 21st Century. Journal of Educational ...
Teaching Secondary Education in the 21st Century 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This text aims to empower teachers to make PE enjoyable for all pupils. It presents the latest thinking on the future of physical education in secondary schools and includes diagrams to illustrate the main points...
Inoue,Yukiko.,Bell,Suzanne.Teaching With Educational Technology in the 21st Century:The Case of the Asia-Pacific Region.. 2006Inoue, Y. & Bell, S. (2006). Teaching with educational technology in the 21st century: The case of the Asia-Pacific region. Hershey, PA: Information Science ...
Improving Teaching-Learning Process in Schools: A Challenge for the 21st Century Teaching-learning is the core process of every education system. Improvement in design and approach of this process is the key to develop skills and competencies of learners which results in enhancement of the quality ...
, ASHE Reader--Distance Education: Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (pp. 215- 233). Boston: Pearson Custom, 2002.Catherine C S.Teaching in the 21st Century. The Internet and Higher Education . 1999Graves, MF, Juel, C, Graves, BB (1998) Teaching in the 21st century. Allyn and...
Teaching in the 21st Century 作者:Robertson, A.; Robertson Alice; Robertson, Alice 出版年:1999-10 页数:336 定价:$ 129.95 ISBN:9780815331520 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到
The perceptions of principals and assistant principals in Western Pennsylvania on preparation programs for the role of the assistant principalship school's operation. However, they each had duties for which they assumed major responsibility. If the principal had major responsibilities for a duty, the...
Teaching Race in the 21st Century 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 This collection brings together pedagogical memoirs on significant topics regarding teaching race in college, including student resistance, whiteness, professor identity, and curricula. Linking theory to practice, the essays create an...