412. The College Radio Handbook By Billy G. Brant. Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214: Tab Books, Inc., 1981; pp. 224.doi:10.1080/03634528209384678Pappas, EdwardBliss, Lynn S.Linkugel, Wil A.Shepard, LeaSims, Judy RenéCommunication Education...
Teaching is a form of high-fidelity social learning that promotes human cumulative culture. Although recently documented in several nonhuman animals, teaching is rare among primates. In this study, we show that wild chimpanzees (Pan trog... S Musgrave,D Morgan,E Lonsdorf,... - 《Scientific Rep...
Do you know how to behave at a job interview? P 21、lease tick the statements in the box on P188 that you think are true.Step 2. Turn to P331 and read the article “How to shine at an interview” and do the exercise again.2. Do not try to dominate the interview. (T-Myth 3...
Textbooks are the primary materials for teaching in the Greater China Region, including the teaching of Chinese as a second language. This qualitative study examined how two teachers of first to fifth grade students in an international school in Macao selected, used, and adapted textbooks to teach...
The declaration does not apply to the use of basic tools, such as tools used to check grammar, spelling and references. If you have nothing to disclose, you do not need to add a statement. Please read Elsevier’s author policy on the use of generative AI and AI-assisted technologies, wh...
We then looked for publications that cited those original works using the Citation Index and read titles and abstracts, focusing our efforts on college or university students. To narrow our focus, we then filtered searches to STEM students, and then emphasized engineering students, but did not ...
Have fun with this big step with your little ones. And remember, slow is always better. Follow your child’s lead and keep it light and fun. This is the beginning of a lifetime of learning and a love of reading. For absolutely everything you need to teach your child to read—from ...
When I came back to school for the first timesince the Coronavirus closed the building, there were a pile of letters waiting for me in my mailbox. I took them to my empty classroom and read the first one: “Hello Mr. Singer, I just thought you should know that you are the greatest...
<h2>Warning - Read carefully!</h2> <p>Every attempt has been made to ensure this is safe but ultimately there always is risk in running pre-sliced gcode from the internet. Preview the gcode in your slicer or <a href="http://zupfe.velor.ca" target="_blank">Zupfe GCode Viewer</...
In 2005, there were 3800 bilingual schools, and many of their teach- ers could speak the indigenous language but could not write or read it. Because of the characteristics of this country, primary schools work with two number systems: vigesimal (base 20) for Mayan mathematics and decimal. ...