geometric shapes. This article describes one of the approaches for using aural interface in math graphs presentation for blind students, which is especially important for the recognition of graphics by the blind, e.g. during remote teaching. It is based on two steps of math graphic...
I have seen 6th graders who were non-native speakers of English complete tasks like this quickly. While those who always had their hands up with “right answers” to numeric questions were frustrated when asked to solve a geometric problem. I found this interesting. Wondering why Numeric kids...
of geometric truths. Such a theorem as “the square of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares of the sides” is as dazzingly beautiful now as it was in the days when Pythagoras first discovered it, and celebrated its advent, it is said, by sacrif...
“Full disclosure: This session will not directly connect to something you can take back to your classroom. My goal is for you to learn some simple geometric constructions and my hope is that it inspires you to try more. If, in turn, that gives you some ideas on how to teach standard ...
First, I had to be sure that problem solving and self-regulation abilities are achievable by most students. In a pilot-study during special courses outside the regular classroom, we ensured that combining training in problem solving and self-regulation produces benefits when compared to pure ...
their project aimed to study long-term learning processes. Furthermore, their focus was not on mathematics achievement in general, but on the development of knowledge in focused areas such as “counting and calculating in (non-decimal) place-value-systems” or “geometric mappings in situations wi...
The Analysis theme mostly deals with geometric shapes and the analysis of their measurements, and views about the solution of a problem. “We now know how to explain procedures step by step...” stated P9, “I can tell the width-height-depth of objects.” explained P15. ...
Tllhye. SV tests measure various skills, such as visual memory capacity, perception of shape figures, sShaanpteapBoasritbioanrainSsopliadcse,Tceoslotr memorization, visual motor coordination, and relationships of elements that conjugate with shapes spatially. The SBST serves to measure ability ...