In addition to setting boundaries for your first year, find time for hobbies, exercise, and most importantly, hanging out with friends and family. “Being around people you love always makes things better,” says Lieske. 3. Connect with parents. “The best team is when parents and teachers...
think highly of 看重;器重 think highly of his deeds / think highly of his character treasure n.财宝;财富;珍品 a store of hidden treasure / collect many treasures besides adv. in addition, also此外;而且I don’t want ...
How does one connect with other family members, peers, neighbors, friends, strangers? Do you have the ability to adapt to a variety of social situations? Do you have strong communication skills? Do you have empathy for others? Will you give your time, skills, efforts, energy and money? Do...
“Teaching English in Asia had always been on my list of things I wanted to do. I have had many friends who have tried their hand at teaching English at some point. All have had overwhelmingly positive experiences, many saying it was the most fun they ever had.” ...
“I encouragecooperative playin my classrooms so that my students can learn with and from one another. By playing together, young children develop important communication and group work skills. Furthermore, they can pick up new information and ways of playing from friends which can enhance their ...
“I knew Pepper would play with me, listen to me”, “I knew my teacher / teaching assistant would come and get me if I was with Pepper”, “I knew my friends would play with me if Pepper was with me”); Tangible behaviours (e.g.“If I completed my work, I could spend time ...
14. Chinese 101 is a crash teaching material for the foreign friends who are beginning to learn Chinese. 汉语101句》是专为初学汉语的外国朋友编写的一本速成教材。 15. SETTING:The experimental animal center of a teaching hospital affiliated to a university. ...
What does this look like in our everyday life that is passing by at the speed of light? I prefer to keep the daily schedule as simple as possible. This way I don't feel overwhelmed homeschooling four children. For my close friends who know I am an OCD planner, my daily schedule may...
We are badly in need of teachers at present. 当前我们急需教员。 10. variety 多样化,变化[U] ;种种[S][(+of)] ;种类[C] [名校学案:P.4] What other ways do you know to add variety? 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗? People like to live a life full of variety. 人们喜欢过丰富多彩的生活。
Benedetti told the Daily Record that as a child, she would often happily miss friends’ parties in order to dedicate more time to her instrument. “I was never made to practise instead of going to a friend’s birthday party, but I remember crying once or twice because I was given the ...