Eye contact occurs very early in development and serves many functions for the young child. It has been implicated in the development of social, cognitive, and language skills. A substantial number of children with autism fail to develop this important skill and therefore experimenters with both de...
U= Up to my eyeballs in paperwork and deadlines, I got overwhelmed. Facing my own mortality was quite humbling! T= Time is on no one’s side. I’m learning to live my life because tomorrow is not promised. The best and most positive part about coming back from burnout is that I am...
Eye contactChildren with autism demonstrate early deficits in joint attention and expressions of affect. Interventions to teach joint attention have addressed gaze behavior, gestures, and vocalizations, but have not specifically taught an expression of positive affect such as smiling that tends to occur...
"Parental involvement was mandatory and important," said Laugeson, who is also associate director of the UCLA Parenting and Children's Friendship Program and director of the Help Group-UCLA Autism Research Alliance. "Other research has shown us that parent involvement can have significant positive e...
The present study compared the effects of discrete trial instruction (DTI) and mand training on the acquisition of independent requests in 6 children with autism. Two multiple-probe designs across participants were conducted with 3 participants receiving mand training followed by DTI and the other 3...
As a former English as a New Language teacher, I couldn’t help but think there are many similarities to teaching students with autism and those who are learning English. Simplicity is required before moving to more complex ideas. Repetition is necessary. Mr. G attempted to present the tasks...
(2017). A practitioner model for increasing eye contact in children with autism. Behavior Modification, 41(3), 382–404. https://doi.org/10.1177/0145445516689323 Article PubMed Google Scholar Degli Espinosa, F., Metko, A., Raimondi, M., Impenna, M., & Scognamiglio, E. (2020). A ...
Students with AS fall under the eligibility category of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and are entitled to related services such as speech language therapy. The speech-language pathologist (SLP) will teach the student appropriate tone and voice infliction. You can also do this through modeling and...
Educational films and workbooks focusing on children and divorce, children and grief, children of military families, and siblings of children with Autism
part of the cause for an autism diagnosis, they vary greatly from child to child, as do sensory processing issues and behaviors. These individuals also present with a unique range of strengths and weaknesses—it is often said that if you meet one child with autism, you have met just one....