Teaching ESL students how to read English texts can be difficult for many teachers, especially new ones who haven’t yet learned all the helpful strategies for doing so. When starting out as a teacher myself, one such strategy that proved to be a gamechanger for me was guided reading, whi...
Is an ESL job teaching adultsright for you? Adult students are motivated to learn English and often have clear goals, so having to motivate them and manage the class is not usually a problem. At higher levels lessons can be very interesting for the teacher as you can get into deeper topic...
As an online ESL teacher, you’ll need to be self-motivated. Like most jobs, you’ll get what you put in, so create a schedule that works for you and show up on time for your students with a smile and a go-get-it attitude. Plus, if you’re a great, self-motivated teacher, pa...
One of my ESL students writes one essay a week for writing practice for our class. This was a busy week and he had much to write about: Halloween, Hurricane Sandy, and the San Francisco Giants World Series celebration. He had an interesting observation. He was surprised that in light of...
Re: Teaching Your ESL Students to Understand Real EnglishSantiago
Siti Norliana Ghazali, Roszainora Setia, Chittra Muthusamy & Kamaruzaman Jusoff (2009), ESL students‟ attitude towards texts and teaching methods used in literature classes. English Language Teaching. 2(4): p. 51-56.Ghazali, S. N., Setia, R., & Muthusamy, C. (2009). ESL ...
17- Musical chairs: How to play- Bring some nice kids music to class. Put chairs in circle and make it short by one chair. Students listen to music and when you stop it they sit down. The one person who remains standing answers a few questions. Game continues. ESLTOWER.COM : Many...
Eventually, I started my own ESL tutoring business. I love the flexibility I have and my students are great! My Adult ESL Students Some of my students are professionals living and working in the U.S. They're trying to advance in their careers and have found that their English language ski...
I agree that TPR is fantastic for teaching ESL students more vocabulary. It is a more fun way for students to learn through movement, rather than just reading the book. AND GREAT HUB! opismediaon May 25, 2010: I must agree with you on "pre-schoolers learn foreign languages" subject. ...
Teaching English abroad in a public school comes with unique rewards as well as its own set of challenges. As an English language teacher it will be your job to develop your students speaking, listening, reading and writing skills with a focus on developing their communicative and fluency skills...