作者: J Scrivener 摘要: Teaching English grammar : what to teach and how to teach it Jim Scrivener (Macmillan books for teachers) Macmillan Education, 2010 : pbk关键词: Englischunterricht Grammatikunterricht 出版时间: 2011 ISBN: 9780230723214 ...
TeachingEnglishGrammar WhattoTeachandHowtoTeachit JimScrivener MACMILLANBOOKSFORTEACHERS SeriesEditor:AdrianUnderhill Abouttheauthor: JimScrivener JimScrivenerhasworkedinmanydifferentcountries,including twoyearsinKenya,threeintheU.S.S.R.andseveninHungary.He hasbeenHeadofTeacherTrainingforInternationalHouseHast- in...
当当北京朝远文化图书专营店在线销售正版《现货 麦克米伦英语教师丛书 英语语法教学 教什么与怎样教 jim scrivener 著 外研社 Teaching English Grammar: What to Teach and How to》。最新《现货 麦克米伦英语教师丛书 英语语法教学 教什么与怎样教 jim scrivener 著 外研
Providing challenge and maximising the the learning potential of the students is one of the key areas of Demand High Teaching. Have a look at Jim Scrivener and Adrian Underhill’sDemand High blogfor more on this, and my earlierblogposton one simple demand high technique. Anthony Anthony advises...
LearningTeachingAGuidebookforEnglishLanguageTeachers,JimScrivener,2005,English language,431pages.. TheoreticalModelsandProcessesofReading,Volume978,Issues0-87712,DonnaE.Alvermann, NormanJ.Unrau,RobertB.Ruddell,Mar7,2013,Education,1344pages.Thesixtheditionofthis ...