and use students' interests as a springboard for examining complex social issues. Considering Noddings' (2015) urging for us to engage in the mission of "producing better adults," I argue that the critical middle school years offer a generative time in young people's lives to advance this im...
As they had already been there, and because the site sometimes mentions that it is mostly for adult learners, they provided important help to learners, who are admittedly at least older teenagers or young adults if not elderly, to whom a considerable amount of the material is also geared. ...
Critical ThinkingOlder AdultsTransformative LearningAlthough the importance of meaning in life has been recognized in the educational gerontology literature, scholars have given little in the way of an analysis of the concept and even less information about effective ways to plan and conduct educational ...
and supported and protected children as they learned. The word later came to refer to the a teacher who led, taught, admonished, mentored and encouraged children on their way to becoming young adults. The role of a teacher, then, was not just the delivery of ...
This blog is hopefully useful for some of those thinking about a) improving government around the world and/or b) ‘what comes after the coming collapse and reshaping of the British parties, and how to improve drastically the performance of critical institutions?’ ...
On that note, I really need to work on my Back to School Night game. I’m terrible at meeting parents. I’m not the best at small talk in general, and I always feel socially awkward around adults. My prepared speeches always disappoint, I get thrown when I get told kids names as ...
Medical disorders of adults with mental retardation: a population study. Am J Ment Retard. 1995;99(6):595–604. Google Scholar Cooper S-A, Smiley E, Morrison J, Williamson A, Allan L. Mental ill-health in adults with intellectual disabilities: prevalence and associated factors. Brit J ...
Numeracy, adult education, and vulnerable adults: a critical view of a neglected field Critical thinkingLiteracy skillsThis survey paper examines selected issues related to the intersection of three broad scholarly areas: numeracy, adult education,... I Gal,A Grotlüschen,D Tout,... - 《Zdm the...
Teachers striving to help students develop the perspective-taking abilities necessary for critical thinking and the empathy necessary to become responsible adults may be more effective if they understand the role narratives play in studentsamprsquo social and emotional development.ltbr /gtLisa Whalen...
Understanding and promoting transformative learning : a guide for educators of adults , and epistemic reflection; critical responses to TL theory; and the relationship between TL and self-directed learning, autonomy, and critical thinking. ... P Cranton - 《Jossey Bass Higher & Adult Education》 ...