Task-based Language Teaching and Learning任务型语言教学和学习-PPT精品文档 任务型课堂教学的设计与实践 Task-BasedLanguageTeaching 临海市回浦中学张音 任务活动和语言练习的区别(Difference)学习任务的组成(Components)优秀的任务活动是什么样的?任务型课堂教学的特点(Features)任务型课堂的设计...
The Teaching and Learning Cycle循环的教学和学.PPT,A Teaching and Learning Cycle: a systematic and explicit approach to literacy teaching DECS (2007) Teaching ESL students in mainstream classrooms: Language in learning across the curriculum * What is the
Motivation: In Learning and Teaching PPTmotivation in learningteaching ppt
Language-Learning-and-TeachingPPT课件 Language,LearningandTeaching 1 Outline •WhatisLanguage?•WhatisLearning?•WhatisTeaching?•Relationshipbt.Learning&Teaching 2 Language:definition StructuralviewoflanguageFunctionalviewoflanguageInteractionalviewoflanguageTransformationalistviewoflanguage 3 Structuralviewof...
Letter A Participates in assessing learning needs of staff and students Ongoing = Exemplary; Does not participate = Below Standard Letter B Addresses issues and needs of staff and students Continually = Exemplary; Does not address issues/needs = Below ...
1、会计学1 Approaches and methods in language teaching and learning 第1页/共84页 第2页/共84页 第3页/共84页 nthe techniques and procedures to use 第4页/共84页 第5页/共84页 第6页/共84页 第7页/共84页 第8页/共84页 第9页/共84页 第10页/共84页 第11页/共84页 language for comm...
learningandadjusttodifferentlearninglstyles. Gardner(1983),people’s8 intelligences(Multipleintelligence) Verbal/Linguisticintelligence MusicalIntelligence Logical/MathematicalIntelligence Spatial/visualIntelligence Bodily/KinestheticIntelligence Interpersonalintelligence ...
202x 融 合 :hybridlearning&teaching_线 上教学专题思维导图 演讲人202x-11-11 011课程导学 1课程导学 课程导学 022在线教学新常态 2在线教学新常态 2在线教学新常态 033直播课的课程设计 3直播课的课程设计 直播课的课程设计 044融合式教学的设备与培训 4融合式教学的设备与培训 融合式教学的设备与培训 05 5...
Task-based Language Learning and Teaching (任务型语言教学) 广西师范学院初等教育学院 蓝卫红 Objectives After learning this topic, you should be able to: --- tell how you feel and what you have learned during the process --- describe the characteristics of the learning activities --- have a ...