The present paper is structured as follows: first, we provide an overview of the objectives and associated stakes of a national assessment programme as part of accountability systems. Then, we review the literature on the empirically proven impact and perceived impact of accountability systems on ...
An Overview on"Information and Communication Technology Competency Standards for Teachers":Policy Framework,Competency Standards Modules and Implementation... An Overview on“Information and Communication Technology Competency Standards for Teachers”:Policy Framework,Competency Standards Modules and Implementation ...
butpossiblyatedioussameness3toteachereducationcoursesintertiaryinstitutions AnoverviewandbriefintroductiontotheNPSTissuccinctlyprovidedbyAITSL: TheNationalProfessionalStandardsforTeacherscomprisesevenStandardswhichoutlinewhatteachersshouldknowandbeabletodoThestandardsareinterconnected,interdependentandoverlapping TheStandardsare...
The researcher started the analysis process by reading through the transcripts in order to verify their quality and accuracy and to get an overview of the data. Next, the analysis units were identified and coded according to the domains of knowledge-based reasoning by applying the analysis ...
Investigating the Alignment of English Language Teaching (ELT) Textbooks with the National English Curriculum Standards Article 08 August 2024 References Ashton, P. T. (2014). Historical overview and theoretical perspectives of research on teachers’ beliefs. In H. Fives & M. G. Gill (Eds.)...
Table 10. Means and standards deviations (SD) for all DVs, as a function of the level of seriousness of the game and school level. Empty Cell Empty CellSchool teaching level Game typePrimarySecondaryUniversity Perceived usefulness COTS 3.77 (0.70) 3.56 (0.89) 3.71(0.74) Serious 3.73 (0.63) ...
Compliance with ethical standards Conflict of interest: Kui Xie declares that he has no conflict of interest. Michael J. Nelson declares that he has no conflict of interest. Sheng-Lun Cheng declares that he has no conflict of interest. Zilu Jiang declares that he has no conflict of interest....
Footnote 162 These data clearly indicate the possibility to conduct teacher education in ways that maintain the same standards as other higher education programmes, but institutions solve the task differently, despite the national regulation of the programmes; the substantially different results across ...
Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your personal data. Manage preferences for further information and to change your choices. Accept all cookies ...
Some studies have already provided evidence that supports this assumption—Table 1 presents an overview of these studies and their findings, which we describe next. The majority of these investigations focused on teachers’ self-reports regarding instructional practices and processes. For example, Shim ...