Only about 1/3 of US students were below NAEP’s Basic score. In other words 2/3 of US students read at or above grade level– the exact opposite of what journalists are reporting based on their interpretation of the results! However, even the meaning behind that is debatable because each...
Beck was targeted after he slandered President Obama by saying, “This president has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people, or the white culture, I don’t know what it is… This guy, I believe, is a racist.” Activists...
Asahighlyinfluentialtradeunionandprofessionalassociation,ATLcanbereliedontopromotethe interestsofitsmembersandthecauseofeducationateveryopportunity. Decision-makerslistentoATL’sviewsbecauseofitsconstructiveapproach,baseduponthe experienceofmembers–realpractitioners,reportingfromthefrontlineoftheprofession. ATL.Nota...