推荐一个美国老师都在用的网站 看到标题也许已有熟悉美国教育的读者猜出这是什么网站了,对,就是Teachers Pay Teachers(网址:https://www.teacherspayteachers.com/)。 Teachers Pay Teachers(简称TPT)可以定位为一个教育资源交易平台。在这个平台上,不光美国,世界上所有老师都可以上传原创的教学资源,互相分享、借鉴。资...
$3.00 Purchase Teachers Pay Teachers Resources at a Discounted Price! Dear Educators, If you're looking for high-quality teaching resources but don't want to pay the full price, you've come to the right place! Below is a list of some of the recent resources I've purchased fromTeachers P...
Join the web's largest source for quality lesson plans and resources created and reviewed by teachers.
If you are on the hunt for quality free educational resources for every grade and subject, head to Teachers Pay Teachers.
Browse over 150 educational resources created by Skybyrd Teacher Resources in the official Teachers Pay Teachers store.
Teachers Pay Teachers是世界上第一个教育工作者进行销售和购买教学资料的市场。教师可以在这个网站上买卖教案、演示文稿、教学资源、试题、旧教科书、教师自制教具等,一个拥有超过20万注册用户的网站。 据该网站创始人,前纽约市教师 Paul Edelman说,自2006年开张以来,该网站累计销售60万美元,仅2008年一年销售额达45万...
We know how hard you work to find the right resources for your class, and sometimes you need to make your own pages, projects, and posters. Help out other teachers by selling the items you create here on Teachers Pay Teachers or similar sites! 1. Create Something Awesome Create something ...
TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) is the largest marketplace for PreK-12 resources, powered by a community of educators. With millions of resources across grades, subjects, and specialties, it’s easy to find the just-right resource for whatever you need. ...
TPT (Teachers Pay Teachers) is the largest marketplace for PreK-12 resources, powered by a community of educators. With millions of resources across grades, sub…
TeachersPayTeachers是由一位纽约教师Paul Edelman创立的,它是一个专注于教师之间教案交易的平台,教师可以通过将自己优秀的教案放到该平台进行分享、出售,而其它教师则可以根据自己的需要购买相应的教案。Paul认为,教师们日复一夜努力出来的教案的价值应该得到体现,因此决定创立该交易平台。这对于那些刚刚毕业进入教学工作的教...