FEE gives free access to videos, podcasts, e-books and articles, focusing on economic principles and the entrepreneurial spirit. 26. Teachers Pay Teachers This is the place to find plenty of free printables (think lesson plans, activities, spreadsheets, etc.!) 27. Teaching ToleranceResources for...
The people who envy me usually have stable, local jobs, a lease or a mortgage, a car (and payments), kids and pets, a multi-seasonal wardrobe, hobbies and crafts, new phones and complex computer set-ups, and a lifetime of memories in the form of stuff that has to have a place to...
First, on page 17, right away in the “How to Use This Book” section, I managed to say first that readers could download a “Microsoft Word or Excel” version of the worksheets on my website. Dear readers, I meant “Microsoft Word or PDF” (PDF appears later). In my proofread, I...
I didn’t realise at the time but I wasn’t alone; other teachers struggled with these students but the timetable didn’t put all 10 together in one room apart from in MFL and ICT! If you are that teacher going through that class at the moment or looking at taking on a new class...
I’ve also written a book,“Gadfly on the Wall: A Public School Teacher Speaks Out on Racism and Reform,”now available fromGarn Press. Ten percent of the proceeds go to theBadass Teachers Association. Check it out! 15 Comments Why a Public School Teacher is Running for Allegheny County ...
Teachers’ pets, us? Yes please! 1. Don’t ambush the teacher during the morning rush If you have issues to discuss with your child’s teacher, arrange an appointment to talk to her after school. This allows you both to focus on the issue at hand, and teacher's normally have a lot...
On Friday some of my students and I visited the MAAS to share our project with a large crowd of other students and teachers who are also making some interesting moves forward in STEM/STEAM education. We brought along a handful of computers and cardboard headsets so that visitors to our area...