We know that learning is in crisis. We know that teachers are key to addressing the crisis. Yet, the significant investments in supporting teachers to impr
(2022) demonstrated that teachers’ data literacy could significantly impact their digital teaching competence. Based on these findings, it is crucial to motivate pre-service teachers’ attitudes towards using technology in teaching, pay close attention to and protect students’ data privacy in the ...
and “patience.” Other studies have evaluated teacher’s personality on a global scale, such as by asking “How do you feel about the instructor as a person” on a Likert scale from “Doesn’t appeal to me at all” to “Terrific; a great person” (Jones1989). However, these lists a...
Teacher’s salaries are taxed at source in Malaysia. The tax rate is on a graduated scale and is generally lower thanin the UK and Australia, with a maximum rate of about 30%. However, most teachers will pay less than this, payingsomewhere around 24% once ...
We explore how an online ‘scenario-based learning’ (SBL) intervention is associated with the teaching-related self-efficacy of 1261 preservice teachers recruited from an initial teacher education (ITE) program in the UK. Participants completed four 1-hour online sessions involving realistic classroom...
The Climate Change Hope scale pre- to post-course changes showed that 14 teachers increased their overall Climate Change Hope score and 2 decreased (see Figure 3). The greatest gains in hope were from the statements, “I know what to do to help solve problems caused by climate...
proquest.com/docview/1793941012?accountid=14533%0Ahttp://openurl.ac.uk/ukfed:dur. ac.uk?genre=dissertations+%26+theses&issn=&title=Leadership+styles+of+principals+in+ successful+Title+I+elementary+schools&volu 36. N. Mustamin and M. A. M. Bin Yasin, "The Competence of School Principal...
Ok, move on to the last class, App Design. They’re working on a big app of their own design, will have several weeks to work on their app, so they fill in a journal tobuy prednisone online UKkeep me in the loop for their progress. Journal entries are very spare this week, uh ...
Harvey, L. (2005). A history and critique of quality evaluation in the UK.Quality Assurance in Education, 13(4), 263–276. Google Scholar Hattie, J. A. C. (2009).Visible learning: a synthesis of over 800 meta-analyses relating to achievement. London: Routledge. ...
and inform national policy. However, such large-scale research requires standardized, robust and valid MHLSC measures to be used. Furthermore, the conceptualization of mental health in children needs further attention. In Australia, the new National Children’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy 20...