another 18 months as a manager in the hotel and motel industry, and part-time jobs that included professional movie projectionist and taxi driver, which I did in Kansas City, and am happy to say I survived.
We interviewed Jose Vilson, an eighth grade math teacher in New York City at the time of this interview who co-authored the bookTeaching 2030: What We Must Do For Our Students and Public Schools…Now and In The Future. Jose now works as an education consultant and speaker while pursuing h...
Welcome back- In pursuit of trying to be a good person, I spent five days at home trying to be interested in normal, everyday events but I needed a break so I (obviously) flew to Vegas. Since then, I’ve been roaming around the U.S. exploring new cities with a suitcase and a cr...
Still, 31 states have reported a shortage in teachers of English as a Second Language (ESL). Perhaps you, like many others, taught English abroad right after college as a way to see the world. Chances are, you needed a bachelor’s degree, not necessarily in education, and TEFL ...
Music Education Major at Long Beach City College, Beginner to intermediate students preferred. I start with Simandl 1, adding my own etudes as needed. Classical students then work on bow techniques and how to interpret composers and play in an ensemble. Jazz students branch off here and begin ...
Oh, and just in case they need a little added incentive, they promise to annihilate Central City if the Flash loses and Metropolis if Superman is the loser. So as sports commissioners, they’re still slightly less evil than Roger Goodell. The aliens throw lots of traps and obstacles in ...
There were some limitations of this study and thus further work is needed. The sample size for this study was small, especially in terms of the number of classes, thus limiting statistical power. The participants were all from one secondary school in a provincial capital city in the southwest...
recently, researchers have found more effective principals are able to retain more teachers, particular high performing teachers (Grissom and Bartanen, 2019). The current evidence tentatively suggests principal effectiveness can decrease teacher attrition, but more studies are needed to bolster these ...
Substitute for classroom teachers as needed, developing and implementing curriculum in a team teaching classroom environment 11. Kindergarten Kindergarten is a type of preschool education that focuses on developing children's social and cognitive skills. Art teachers use kindergarten as a way to engage ...
infrastructure- n. the basic equipment and structures (such as roads and bridges) that are needed for a country, region, or organization to function properly (school) district- n. an area or region containing the schools th...