That wasn't the case for Italian teacher Cinzia Paolina De Lio, who finally lost her teaching job after missing 20 of the past 24 years of work. You read that right. Initially, De Lio was fired in 2017 from her Venice-are school for the absences but she...
Christmas Crafts & Art Activities art tutorials,Paint Party Ideas Host an Acrylic Paint Party: Easy Tutorials for All Ages long form lesson plan Clay Facial Feature Slab Lesson About That Art Teacher HI! My name is Sierra Machado and I am a public school art educator in Oklahoma. This is ...
Moorehead's lawyer, Francis Malofiy, is also asking a judge to strike down part of the state's public school code, which says a teacher can be fired for advocating “un-American or subversive doctrines.” The district's lawyer had cited that section of the code in a newspape...
Whether or not walking away is temporary or permanent for me remains to be seen. I cannot imagine a life without students, so perhaps I will be called to serve in other ways. Regardless of what the future holds, I will close this final post of 2020 by saying thank you for supporting ...
The lesson learned by pols? Anger gets more support than love. Now add to all that the connection between identity and politics. “Partisanship can now be thought of as a Mega identity with all the psychological and behavioral magnifications that implies. Living as segregated as we are by zip...
It just gets more interesting, I promise. I know more about assessment than I could ever have dreamed I’d want to. I also know a lot more (defo not everything) about managing people from a distance and prioritising when juggling a huge workload. I keep thinking about a Masters in ...
On Friday’s there is always a lady in the bathroom speaking loud Spanish on the phone and I don’t understand why. Maybe she gets free long distance on that day or maybe she uses salty language on Fridays and wants to hide it. It was also the first day I started my lifting routine...
How about 1 Cor.33-5, especially “aischron gar estin gunaiki lalein en ekklesiai” (For it is shameful for a woman to talk in a church). But take the whole thing in context and it gets even stronger. Jaceczko says: 17 September 2009 at 9:13 AM CORRECTION* That’s 1 Cor....
Media Teacher and Producer Post navigation ←Older posts Final Post….I Think Aug13 In January 2020, I suffered a stroke. In the few short minutes it took for that clot to kill a part of my brain, my plan to write more about Peter Bryce disappeared. More than three and a half years...
Bet on the Bears with $5 from Draft Kings for my birthday. Bears incredibly mismanage clock to lose 23-20. Coach gets fired a couple of days later. As my wife Megan would say, “Linner.” Turkey, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Bean Casserole, Cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes ...