READ MORE:Detroit Teacher Fired for Being a Rapper "From the evidence gathered, the conclusion was that Ms. Washburn’s actions violated O.R.C. §3319.141, Collective Bargaining Agreement Section 14.01(H), a number of Board Policies, including 3432 (Sick Leave) and 3210 (Staff Ethics). Her...
READ MORE:Detroit Teacher Fired for Being a Rapper "From the evidence gathered, the conclusion was that Ms. Washburn’s actions violated O.R.C. §3319.141, Collective Bargaining Agreement Section 14.01(H), a number of Board Policies, including 3432 (Sick Leave) and 3210 (Staff Ethics). Her...
Disclaimer: For legal and financial reasons I’ve chosen to (have to) keep this blog anonymous (school/ kids/ food in the lunch room) so that none of you try to sue me for all that I have, aka a nice couch and a lot of thrift store clothing. With that being said, let me reintr...
John Lennon was killed by Mark David Chapman on December 8, 1980 as he returned to his New York apartment from a recording session. At almost 11 PM that night, Lennon’s limo pulled up outside the building when Chapman pulled a snub-nosed .38 revolver from his pocket and fired five sho...