You can’t have too many options for messenger bags. This is a great quality bag at an affordable price. It has wide straps and built-in dividers. 32.Beach Bag XXL When you need room for everything but the kitchen sink, this HUGE bag is the answer. Sturdy rope handles give it a fu...
Set yourself and your students up for scholastic success. Build your custom teacher planner today and enhance it with a custom notebook, new planner accessories, writing tools, teacher notepads, bags and totes, and other teacher favorites! Erin Condren Teacher Lesson Planners are also available in...
One teacher mentioned Vera Bradley totes specifically as a welcomed gift, and we can see why: They're big enough to carry a helpful amount of stuff, they come in such fun prints and the quilted cotton keeps it from digging into a shoulder. Vera Bradley's ID holders with lanyards also ho...
Shop Playtex and JMS and get 10% off your purchases if you're a teacher. 56. Karen Kane You can get 20% off all your purchases here as a teacher. 57. King Kong Apparel All teachers are able to get $10 off their bags, totes, backpacks, and duffles. 58. Vineyard Vines To share ...
totes + cases sticker storage pen + pencil cases punches dry erase desk accessories work + life shop all bundles & gifting be happy boxes planning bundles gift bags + notecards shop all home & crafts craft kits wallpaper & wall decals themes disney harry potter seasonal stargazer floral bold ...
enough to ensure we don’t ‘brandify’ our classrooms and encourage corporate allegiances among our students. I know that as a parent, I certainly wouldn’t appreciate my kids coming home with [insert brand name here] splattered across their school bags and hyper-present in their vernacular....
Simple, lightweight, reusable packaging.Some teachers may have more than 100 students and those heavy glass containers, while attractive, are hard to lug home. Reusable bags (thelunch bags at Whole Foodsare only 79 cents) and inexpensive totes are great options that serve double duty for transp...
Bags-Totes Beach Related Bugs Children Coasters Inserts Equestrian Vehicles Books by Sandy Arthur SHAPES OF NEEDLEPOINT is a series of books that diagram stitches to fit specific shapes and sizes. Each stitches is illustrated in large, easy to read and follow illustrations. In almost all instances...
Between waiting in line to check your bags, even after checking in online, to waiting for your baggage to come off the plane, to check it in again to your connecting flights. Let’s not even talk about loss luggage. And what about carry-ons, sometimes they make you check them too. ...