《Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs,在线提供,视频讲座》,中:《计算机程序的构造和解释》(豆瓣) 最好的视频 Brian Harvey’s Berkeley CS 61A 计算机体系结构-Computer Architecture 为什么学? 如果你没有一个计算机实际工作的坚实的心智模型,那么你的所有更高层次的抽象将变得脆弱。 最好的书 《Com...
全球sms系统每天收发大约200亿信息。现在,WhatsApp 依靠57个工程师,做到了420亿。 pic.twitter.com/zZrtSIzhlR — Benedict Evans (@BenedictEvans)February 2, 2016 第一种工程师想发设发地去深入学习计算机科学,无论是通过常规方法学习,或者是在职业生涯中不懈地学习。第二种工程师通常停留在表面,学习特定的工具...
课程主讲人是伯克利(Berkeley) 的 Joe Hellerstein ,之后前往阅读论文。 对于初学者来说,有一篇论文尤其值得注意,“Architecture of a Database System”,它提供了一个独一无二的、高水平的视角,关于关系型数据库是怎么运作的。这为以后的学习提供了一个有用的框架。 Readings in Database Systems,更被熟知为:数据...
TeachYourselfCS 的中文翻译~~~【转发】@网路冷眼:【Teach Yourself Computer Science】O网页链接 自学计算机科学。中文翻译:https:///github.com/izackwu/TeachYourselfCS-CN/blob/master/TeachYourselfCS-CN...
如果你是一個自學成才的半吊子,或者是從培訓班畢業的小菜鳥。那麼,你欠自己一份電腦科學的專業知識。感謝上帝,如今你可以接受世界水平的計算機教育,但無需花費數年時間和一筆不小的金錢。 網際網路上的學習資源有很多,只不過有的好有的壞,有的比另一些好很多,有一些比另一些差很遠。你不需要另外一個“200+ 免...
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If you’re a self-taught engineer or bootcamp grad, you owe it to yourself to learn computer science. Thankfully, you can give yourself a world-class CS education without investing years and a small fortune in a degree program 💸.There...
Teach Yourself Python is your one stop site for all things Python. We provide resources for absolute beginners and professionals alike. Sign up FREE, join our chatroom, ask a question in the forum, view our lessons, resources, topics, and gain access to
Introduction to Computer Science. Algorithms and Data Structures, programs ... FORTRAN. Numerical analysis problems. Use of program libraries. Comparison with other programming languages: C, Prolog, Modula, Smalltalk ... Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 days, by Rogers Cadenhead ...www...
Synopsis: Part of the outstanding 'Teach Yourself" series from Sams, n just 24 lessons of one hour or less, "Sams Teach Yourself JavaScript in 24 Hours" will enable the novice computer science student to learn and master the fundamentals of programming using the JavaScript language. JavaScript ...