The Bookkeeping and Accounting Coach: A Teach Yourself Personal Guide to SuccessDuncan WilliamsonMcGraw-Hill
Regardless of whether you just want to teach guitar on the side, or eventually want to grow your business and quit your day job, good record keeping is essential. You may want to subscribe to a bookkeeping app or service so you can quickly and accurately record your income and business-...
Of the top ten, nine are programming books (the other is about bookkeeping). Similar results come from replacing “teach yourself” with “learn” or “hours” with “days.” 从上面的搜索结果可以看出来,要么就是人们对计算机技术的学习如饥似渴,要么就是计算机技术实在太简单,不费吹灰之力就能...
Twenty-five, open network electronic bookkeeping. Compared to paper records, consumption accounting on the Internet is more casual and simple. Most of these methods are combined with blogs. Registration is simple. Besides spending, income and other items, some electronic bookkeeping books also have ...