We may not feel like doing so, but the Bible tells us to ask for forgiveness and to forgive, and to refrain from doing so would be a violation of God’s Word. Just this morning, Edric and I got irritated at each other for being late to a meeting. It was my fault for leaving my...
we had a small climb that I decided to give myself :45 to relieve the impact and bring down the HR. Once I did, I was able to create a steadiness. By about 5.75, I was ready to mentally count laps on the track and uptick a bit. I don...
There are some great online resources to learn programming graphics. If you're interested in learningOpenGLyou can check the good oldNeHe Tutorialsor the more recentLearn OpenGLtutorial website. Another useful reference isRaw OpenGLA more recent bible of modern graphics programming is also thePhysica...
For the most part we were able to do and see everything we set out to do, but there were a couple of last-minute pivots we had to make (Like when our dear friends got COVID and we had to reschedule the days we would have spent with them. *Insert heavy sobs of self pity*). 9...
I would have to circle around and around Ayala Tower 1, or park and visit Starbucks by myself until he came down from his Ayala Land office. It was spoiled of me to act this way and feel sorry for myself. God was working on my character, teaching me to count my blessings and be ...
The God from outer space is the God of the bible. The down fall of the Jew song (Sing to the tune of the Lannister song) And who are you, the Jew lord said, that I must bow so low? Only a God from outer space, that’s all the truth I know. In a coat of white or a ...
Furthermore, although I had not done so intentionally, I realized many of the course activities and outcomes aligned with an entirely different but relevant taxonomy: my university’s “Make College Count” initiative, which encourages students to find opportunities to practice the skills employers mo...
There have been so many times in my life where I look back and can see how “The God-Claw” has swooped in and moved me to the exact time, place, and position I needed to be in. Like when He put me in this little Bible study in college, and that’s where I met my husband....
Count everything you can. Example: “How many bears do you have?” Then point and count, “1,2,3,4,5…” (ex. steps, items in a room, toys, etc.) Introduce concepts like shapes, numbers, letters and identify them in the environment. Play games like “I-Spy…”“I spy a circle...
I think we ought to be very careful in using terms that the Bible does not use of Him. When we framed this statement we tried to use Biblical phrases as much as we could. [...] "W. G. C. MURDOCH: I would suggest that we use the expression 'The Godhead or Trinity' rather ...