Joined Handwriting— This final stage of handwriting puts it all together — literally! In this stage, students will begin forming words on the page with their pencils and will soon write full sentences (and later paragraphs!). How Can Kids Improve Their Handwriting?
This quiz/worksheet allows students to test the following skills: Reading comprehension - ensure that you draw the most important information from the related lesson about teaching kids to read Information recall - access the knowledge you've gained regarding how to get started when teaching readi...
Kids Learning Station is the perfect place to teach kids colors. We have a wide range of free printable colors worksheets that are perfect for teaching colors to preschool aged kids. Children will learn colors through a collection of preschool color wo
Use this interactive quiz and worksheet to test your comprehension of how to teach kids life skills. It is printable and can be accessed any time...
For over a decade, TeAchnology has been providing free and easy to use resources for teachers dedicated to improving the education of today's generation of students. We feature 46,000+ lesson plans, 10,200 free printable worksheets, rubrics, teaching tips, worksheet makers, web quests, math ...
What delicious treat can I make with my kids that is both cute and tasty? When it comes to Halloween who doesn’t love to make themed desserts? If you are in the mood to make a really yummy, cute themed treat we have everything you need in this post. I had heard before of owl ...
Working on New Year's resolutions with your students but not sure where to begin? It's important that this activity is student-led so the kids feel some ownership of their goals and allow for individual growth. Providing some suggestions can help students develop New Year's resolutions that ...
It can also bea great way to bond with your childby sharing a family goal or helping them achieve a personal goal. Make sure you grab the free Smart Goals Worksheet for kids for help with these goal activities! RELATED:Gratitude journals for kids ...
17. Learn how to pronounce the letter K with thisSpelling the K Soundactivity! 18. Read and analyze words with thisLong A Spelling Patternsprintable! 19. Help your kids get familiar with spelling their names in a colorful way by using thisName-On-A-Rainbow Spelling Activity!
Provide numbered worksheets near the bulletin board. Invite students to write the name of each item next to its number on the worksheet. Award a small prize to the student or students who guess the most items. MORE THEMES FOR APRIL