First, let's address how to pronounce "teach". The pronunciation of teach in standard American English is /tiːtʃ/. Let's dissect this phonetic transcription: /t/: This represents the voiceless alveolar stop sound. It's the same sound as the "t" in "top". Your tongue briefly touc...
I cannot tell whether my students are using these forms to indicate familiarity, or whether they are genuine errors. If the former, I make myself a nuisance if I correct them. If the latter and if I hold my tongue, I’m not helping my students, most of whom are English language teach...
Songlist: The Larynx: Structure and Functions, Posture and Relaxation, Mouth Position and Breath, Physiology of Respiration, The Sound, Method of Attack, Constriction and Tone Quality, Tongue Position, Volume or Intensity, Vibrato, Registration, Placement and Resonance Extremes, The Use of Falseto,...
The Chinese word for giving is 给予 (Jǐyǔ) or simply 给 (gěi). 给予 (Jǐyǔ) is used mostly in writing or in formal speech. Ordinarily, you would just use 给 (gěi), such as in the following two sentences: 请给我一个微笑. Qǐng gěi wǒ yīgè wéixiào. Please give me a sm...