The wide blade or the third prong are Bintended to alert the user to the presence of important provided for your safety. If the provided plug does not fit into operating and maintenance (servicing) instructions in your outlet, consult an electrician for replacement of the obso- the literature...
3-1-3REELTORQUE下为蕊3下型下必旋区一加一这二蚊测定、济定倍力下让PE 1LoadthecassetteLOrQueonhedecgandreadhe 入世MPa pointerjndicationonthedmscaleforeachape于人发了了上汪夕《TWW-2111) ransportoperation。Themeasuredtorqueshouldbe六人中WN下关》-4198Sm请志二二 withinthefollowingSpecifie...
Cable remote control with all drive and counter functions (suitable only for X2000 models, not for previous models !) Accessories: Empty reel (RE-1003S/1003B) NAB adapter (TZ-612 A) Input and output connection cable Splicing tape Picturesedit ...
IR4905 with EDA / CAD Models manufactured by VISHAY. The IR4905 is available in TO-220 Package, is part of the IC Chips. 技术参数 制造商 TEAC 包装 Tape & Reel (TR)/Cut Tape (CT)/Tray/Tube RoHs Status Lead free / RoHS Compliant ...
motpr,2DCcarelessreelmotors 去至]二出 BiasFrequancyt+00kHz OperatiomPositionHorizontalOveralt全和二42,-4dB PowerReguirements加于?二至基山 3007117/2201240VAC,501768Hz,39W(GeneralExportModel)16kHz。+2,-4de(NORMAL 107VAC,60Hz39W{U.S.A-CanadaModel)18kHz+2,-4上 ...