tannin albuminatetann tanoedesire tanourakaigan tanshinone ii tanslucence focus tansy oil blue tanace tantalizingly tantalumlining tantas promesas que s tantei monogatari tanto tiempo busque tantra nusarena india tantrums tanya angus tanya grotter and dis tao bao jie mian tao bao qu dou zui tao ba...
RUNGSIRIVANICH P, THONGWAI N. Antibacterial activity and tannin tolerance ofBacillusspp. isolated from leaves of miang (Camellia sinensis(L. ) Kuntze var.assamica(J. W. Mast. ) Kitam. ) [C]. Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Environment, Energy and Biotechnology (ICEEB ...
A warm cup of this red-colored tea is completely smooth without bitterness, given that there is very little tannin content. The natural flavor can be described as a vanilla honey, with a hint of nutty caramel toffee. This flavor is naturally sweet, so most people drink it without any addit...
showed there were noticeable content of glycoside aroma precursors in Oolong tea (Zeng, Zhou, Su, & Yang, 2020), indicating β-glucosidase might improve the aroma of the infusion/beverage of instant Oolong tea that made with spray-dried method. However, it is still unclear if β-glucosidase...
In addition, tannase produced by Aspergillus niger hydrolyzes tannin to gallic acid, which contributes to the reddish-brown color of the tea (Aissam, Errachidi, Penninckx, Merzouki, & Benlemlih, 2005; Diepeningen et al., 2004). This result confirmed previous findings that gallic acid ...
Tannin acyl-hydrolase is an inducible enzyme extensively used in the food industry. These methods focused on investigating the enzyme-mediated biotransformation of tea parts such as flush and shoots. It was shown that the tea cream infusion significantly decreased after the hydrolysis of the enzyme ...
These findings suggest that ethanol-producing and tannin-tolerant yeast isolated from Miang in response to the high-tannin content of Miang leaves have experienced a natural selection evolution. This process could potentially lead to the development and selection of tannin-tolerant yeast strains within ...
This study evaluated the ability of a yeast strain isolated from traditional fermented tea leaves (Camellia sinensis var. assamica), Miang from northern Thailand, to grow and produce ethanol in the presence of tannin. Among 43 Miang samples, 25 yeast iso
During the fermentation under high tannin conditions derived by mixing Java plum fruit with ground seed, S. cerevisiae ML1-2 showed significant advantages in growth and enhanced the content of ethanol, polyphenols, tannin, and flavonoids compared to S. cerevisiae TISTR 5088. This indicated its ...
This study focused on isolating tannin-tolerant yeasts from Miang, a fermented tea leaf product collected from northern Laos PDR, and investigating related food applications. From 43 Miang samples, six yeast isolates capable of ethanol production were obtained, with five isolates showing growth on ...