Tea for the Tillerman²really shines is when the tracks are close enough to the original but have subtle nuances that differentiate them. “Father and Son”, “Where Do the Children Play”, and “Sad Lisa” all work quite well with their newer arrangements. On the other hand, “Wild Wor...
这张1970年发行的专辑《Tea For The Tillerman》是70年代英国民谣摇滚代表人物Cat Stevens(凯特·斯蒂文斯)演艺生涯中最经典的专辑,整张专辑里人与乐器甚至是合声的音量都极其均衡,正如宇宙万物间原有的平衡,11首作品都波澜不惊又充满温情,有人说他的音乐里却有一种挥之... (展开) 0回应 左耳东 2016-09-06...