药品治疗等效性代码Therapeutic Equivalence (TE)Code
1.RLD(reference listed drug):An RLD is a medicine that has been approved by the FDA and is listed in the Orange Book. Generic companies must designate an RLD when submitting an ANDA so that the FDA will know to which brand drug the generic will be compared. 2.TE code(Therapeutic Equiva...
TE code(Therapeutic Equivalence Code):药物治疗等效性代码,指仿制药与原研药的治疗学等效类型。
The BD code denotes products containing active ingredients with known bioequivalence problems and for which adequate studies have not been submitted to FDA demonstrating bioequivalence. Where studies showing bioequivalence have b...
2.对于那些被 FDA 证实具有潜在的/实际上具有生物等效性问题DESI产品(包括原料药和药物制剂),和在 1962 年后的某种剂型下存在潜在的生物等效性问题的产品,只要获批准申请书里有充分的科学证据证明,通过体内外相关性研究说明该产品和...
Therapeutic Equivalence Code 医疗等效代码 见 http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/DevelopmentApprovalProcess/FormsSubmissionRequirements/ElectronicSubmissions/DataStandardsManualmonographs/ucm071713.htm 助人为乐大丈夫,有问不采非君子。
tecode-common 通用模块 Java 1 0 0 tecode-common-api api通用模块 Java 1 0 0 tecode-common-service service通用模块 Java 1 0 0 tecode-dependencies 统一的依赖管理 Java 3 0 0 tecode-eureka 服务注册中心 Java 3 0 0 tecode-zuul 路由网关 Java 1 0 0 语言: 全部...
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