TE 总部位于瑞士,是全球行业技术企业,致力于创造一个更安全、可持续、高效和互连的未来。TE 广泛的连接和传感解决方案经受严苛环境的验证,持续推动着交通、工业应用、医疗技术、能源、数据通信和家居的发展。TE在全球拥有近 80,000 名员工,其中 7,500 多...
A weak 107Te α-decay branch to an excited state in 103Sn was observed. This is the first observation of α decay fine structure in the island of α emitters above the Z=50 shell gap. The energy difference between α particles feeding the ground state and the excited state is 162(4)...
(nia). china's unilateral visa-free policy for ordinary passport holders from these countries took effect on december 1, facilitating inbound travels from there. of these inbound trips, 118,000 were made by ordinary passpo...
外研版英语(三年级起点)四上-课文朗读-第3模块第1单元 一尘书香斋 2022-11-22 22:57四川