< Abstract > < Topic >In the exhaust air tube of the sound arrester, binding wire te - rupaipu, takingDepending on the structure which can install and remove ri attaching and te - rupaipu easily,Consumer ni - which it chooses uses te - rupaipu of various designsTo correspond to the ...
(57)< Abstract > < Objective > Unifying the tail flexible pipe and the muffler cutter, the sectionAs item score is decreased, structure is made simple, it fastens, the partGeneration of the noise with looseness is lost. < Constitution > As for the tail flexible pipe 11 which is ...
(57)< Abstract > < Objective > Unifying the tail flexible pipe and the muffler cutter, the sectionAs item score is decreased, structure is made simple, it fastens, the partGeneration of the noise with looseness is lost. < Constitution > As for the tail flexible pipe 11 which is ...