TE manufactures a wide range of wire and cable products, including hook up wire, cable assemblies, power cables, and sensor cables. Custom and standard products are available.
TE Wire & Cable热电偶线K型热电偶线T型热电偶线N型热电偶线 在线询价 深圳市亿杰仪表有限公司 类型: 代理商 联 系 人: 王小姐 电话: 18820231998 传真: 0755-82928889 手机: 18820231998 联系我时,请说明在化工仪器网上看到的,谢谢。 联系我们
For additional thermocouple wire and cable products, view our online catalog. Not all thermocouple wire assembles for autoclave composites applications are created equal. Our products can take the heat! That’s why we’re the primary source for so many composites companies using thermocouple wire ...
客户基础:TE Wire & Cable在飞机制造行业有着广泛的客户基础,包括Boeing、Airbus、Alenia、Spirit、Lochheed、Vought、Bombardier等企业。 全球市场:作为北美大的热电偶供应商,TE Wire & Cable的产品和服务遍布全球市场,为全球客户提供高质量的热电偶解决方案。
TE Wire & Cable 热电偶电线产品概览 CEFIR ® 系列 – 陶瓷纤维 支持1320 ℃ / 2400 ℉ CEFIR® 系列热电偶电线适用于两种温度范围。陶瓷纤维乃编织于单根导线与护套 之上,它在整个温度延长范围内具有灵活性。 CEFIR ®2400 单次照射,支持1320℃ (2400℉),持续照射,()支持1200℃(2200℉) ...
Specializing in thermocouples, specialty wire, and cables manufacturing. Top-quality products tailored to meet your specific requirements. Explore our range now.
TE Wire & Cable is a premier manufacturer of thermocouple and specialty wire and cable, catering to the temperature measurement and sensing market. The company offers a wide range of products including thermocouple wire and cable, copper instrumentation and control cables, and various thermocouple asse...
TE WIRE & CABLE TEX/TEX-22F-TTT热电偶线什么是热电偶? 热电偶 热电偶是温度测量仪表中常用的测温元件,它直接测量温度,并把温度信号转换成热电动势信号,通过电气仪表(二次仪表)转换成被测介质的温度。各种热电偶的外形常因需要而极不相同,但基本结构却大致相同,通常由热电极、绝缘套保护管和接线盒等主要部分组...
Multicore Cable Shield Efficiency The design of cables to provide effective shielding over a broad frequency spectrum is complex, and cables must be tailored to specific electromagnetic environments. Multicore Cables, Product Catalog Related Copper Cabling TE Product Catalog Hook Up Wire We provide...
We provide a comprehensive range of high-performance wire and cable products for use in aerospace and defense applications of high-density and complex circuitry. Raychem High-Speed Copper Cables We offer a large and growing range of Raychem high-speed copper cables for commercial and military aerosp...