TheMāori language(opens in new window)is considered a national tāonga (treasure) and is undergoing a significant revival. Initiatives such as Te Wiki o te reo Māori (Māori Language Week), Kura Kaupapa (Māori language schools from pre-school through to high school) and a Māori Television ...
新西兰有三种官方语言:英语、毛利语和新西兰手语。 英语是主要语言,然而大约4%(14万)的人口讲毛利语。这使得毛利语成为新西兰第二常用的语言。 毛利语(opens in new window)被视为是国家的宝藏,并正在经历重大的复兴。诸如Te Wiki o te reo Māori(毛利语言周)、Kura Kaupapa毛利语言学校(从学前班到高中)和毛利...
基本释义 毛利语;蒂雷欧毛利语 分词解释 TE全音节的第七音 reo再生电力输出(regeneratedelectricaloutput) Maori(新西兰的)毛利人猜你喜欢 tamaki maori village塔玛基毛利村寨 the maori毛利人 maori meeting house堂的大学 maori stone毛利石 maori village毛利文化村 maori bay毛利湾 the maoris毛利人te reo maori是...
We value Te Reo Māori at the Zoo and we work closely with local iwi, Taranaki Whānui ki Te Upoko o Te ika. Earlier this year we created a phrase in Te Reo Māori that encapsulates the kaupapa of Wellington Zoo - Me tiaki, kia ora! Broadly translated, this means we must look...
dictionary of Maori languagelegal language projectLegal Maori ProjectTe Reo Maorilegal systemIn this article the author explains the creation of the first dictionary of Maori language terms to express western legal concepts. Along with other countrieStephens, Māmari...
将“te reo Maori"翻译成中文 毛利语是将“te reo Maori"翻译成 中文。 译文示例:La Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Nueva Zelandia ha traducido la Declaración al te Reo Maorí, y ha dado a conocer su contenido e importancia. ↔ 新西兰人权委员会已将《宣言》译为毛利语,并宣传了《宣言》...
法语助手 te reo maori 发音生词本:添加笔记: 有奖纠错 | 划词 词组搭配 法语维基词典 法语例句库 用户正在搜索 等腰梯形,等叶式,等一位朋友,等义词,等义的,等异常线,等异常线图,等因奉此,等音,等音的, 相似单词 (h)yponomeute,(s)chelem,“分灶吃饭”,...
In honour of Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, we want to celebrate the increasing number of books being published in te reo Māori. We asked Lucy Ira Bailey (Te Ati Awa, Ngāti Mutunga, Taranaki), the senior bookseller at The Children’s Bookshop in Wellington, to curate a list for us. ...
I am working with a number of New Zealand government agencies who are keen to have the multi-lingual support for Te Reo.I see that "Te Reo" is not an option...
Microsoft has been working withTe Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori(the Māori Language Commission) on projects that include te reo Māori in our platforms and software for more than 14 years. We want to provide better access to Māori language and culture via the technology Kiwis use every day. ...